Chapter Member's Patriots
Note: The number to the right of the patriot name is the number of members with the same patriot.
Canada |
Dube, Joseph |
Perrault, Basile |
Vachon Dit Pamerleau, Basile |
Connecticut |
Cady, David Sr |
Cady, Jonathan |
Cargill, Benjamin |
Cozier, Benjamin |
Dana, James |
Durkee, Benjamin |
Flint, Samuel |
Fox, Jabez |
Freeman, Edmund Sr |
Gates, Jehiel |
Grosvenor, Asa |
Grosvenor, Ebenezer |
Grover, Amasa |
Grover, Luther |
Hitchcock, Daniel |
Kilbourn, Abraham |
Mallory, Truman |
Martin, Stephen |
Metcalf, Daniel |
Morse, John |
Nichols, Abel |
Osborn, Joshua |
Stark, James Sr |
Swetland, Luke |
Warner, Stephen |
Whitney, Walter |
Delaware |
Jester, Daniel |
Lacey, Spencer |
Georgia |
Gage, Aaron D |
Maryland |
Amos, Nicholas Day |
Anderson, William |
Beall, Ninian |
Dwiggins, Robert |
Edwards, Edward |
King, John |
Pearsall, Richard |
Prather, Baruch |
Trautman, Michael |
Twilley, George |
Wilhoit, John |
Massachusetts |
Allen, Jonas |
Bixby, Ephraim |
Blanchard, Justus |
Bliss, Daniel |
Blood, Lemuel |
Burbank, Isaac |
Carter, Stanton |
Church, Benjamin |
Corbin, Asa |
Fay, Daniel Jr |
Gould, Samuel |
Hall, David |
Hillman, Samuel |
Hovey, Daniel |
Hubbell, Jedediah |
Hudson, John Sr |
Hunter, James |
Keep, John |
Lombard, Solomon Sr |
Mattoon, Ebenezer Jr |
Mayhew, Paine |
Newton, Nahum |
Oakes, Seth |
Page, Timothy Sr |
Pearson, John |
Pettengill, David |
Pomeroy, Simeon Jr |
Poole, Samuel Sr |
Rhodes, John |
Russell, Stephen |
Standish, Thomas |
TRUE, Dudley |
Webster, Jonathan |
Weston, Joseph Sr |
Wilder, Jabez |
Williamson, Jonathan Sr |
Winchell, Benjamin |
New Hampshire |
Bunker, Joseph |
Cavender, Charles |
Chase, Dudley |
Chase, Samuel Sr |
Dodge, John Perkins |
Freeman, Edmund Jr |
Hall, Daniel |
Hazen, Edward |
Lasell, John |
Mckellop, Samuel |
Mcneil, Thomas |
Priest, Joel |
New Jersey |
Brokaw, George |
Drake, Paul |
Hutchins, Gabriel |
Park, Zebulon |
Pound, Hezekiah |
Prudden, Boyce John |
Sinclair, George |
Stout, Samuel Jr |
Williamson, Joseph |
New York |
Bennett, Amos |
Betts, Nathan |
Cleveland, Benjamin |
Cushman, Consider |
Gorton, Peleg |
Hitt, Dennis |
Huggins, William |
Jay, John |
Kirkland, William |
Lamb, John |
Mesick, Thomas Sr |
Millard, Nathaniel |
Moore, John |
Nichols, John |
Shew, Stephen |
Smith, Epenetus |
Stevens, Eliphalet |
Talmage, John |
Wheadon, Daniel |
North Carolina |
Brinson, Adam |
Dillon, Daniel |
Dillon, Jesse |
Dixon, Joseph |
Duckworth, John |
Grindstaff, Nicholas |
Lagenauer, George Friedrich |
Lilley, Edmund |
Musick, Abraham |
Russell, John |
Smithpeter, John Michael |
Whitfield, Willis |
Woodham, Edward |
Pennsylvania |
Ament, Jacob |
Amick, Henry |
Ammen, Thorst |
Appell, Andrew |
Arthur, John |
Benson, James |
Book, Michael |
Boone, Jacob |
Chadwick, John |
Coats, Benjamin |
Crites, John Adam |
Dewees, Owen |
Dygert, Peter |
Frankenfield, Adam |
Gibson, Charles |
Graham, Francis |
Haas, John Peter |
Harrod, Levi |
Harshbarger, Christian |
Hassler, Michael |
Jolliff, William |
Kemp, Reuben |
King, Robert |
Kline, Peter |
Le Gore, John |
Lizot, Lewis |
Lutman, Eberhart |
Mcginnis, James |
Mclean, John |
Peele, Charles Willson |
Robb, John |
Shade, Andreas |
Simpson, Andrew |
Simpson, James |
Slater, Thomas |
Stiely, John Dietrich |
Thompson, James |
Trissler, George |
Wetzel, John |
Wise, Peter |
Wolfe, Jacob |
Rhode Island |
Clark, Stephen |
Crandall, Amos |
Crandall, David |
Jenks, Stephen |
South Carolina |
Hardwick, William Sr |
Mclaughlin, James |
Vermont |
Locklin, Dennis |
Virginia |
Atkins, Henry |
Brown, John |
Campbell, John |
Carter, Bailey |
Cartwright, John |
Cockrill, Littleton |
Corn, John Peter |
Cox, Andrew |
Coyle, Gabriel |
Crowder, Philip |
Crutcher, James |
Dodson, George E |
Fortson, Thomas |
Gilliland, Samuel |
Graham, James |
Hanks, Abner |
Harrison, Anthony Alexander |
Higginbotham, Aaron Sr |
Higginbotham, Moses |
Higginbotham, Samuel |
Houston, John |
Hughes, Absalom |
Hull, Samuel |
Hurt, Moses |
Keran, Patrick |
Maggard, Margaret |
Maney, Martin |
Mcteer, Frizzell |
Meader, Ambrose |
Morris, Richard |
Osborn, Jonathan |
Pinson, Thomas |
Powell, Levin |
Prickett, Josiah |
Satterwhite, Ann |
Smiley, John |
Smith, Aaron |
Stout, Godfrey Daniel |
Streit, Christian |
Thornton, Anthony Sr |
Turner, William |
Waddell, Benjamin |
White, Joseph |
Williamson, William |
Wrightsman, John |